Day 3 ~ Port Angeles, WA > Fairholme State Campground, WA

Garmin Data can be found here (Map, distance. graphs …)

ToadLily Int. Youth Hostel in Port Angeles


Considering how late we got in and the distance covered in the past 2 days, we were out the door and on the road by 8:00am.  We stopped at a restaurant for breakfast in town and were heading out just before 9am.  We were heading west so we jumped on highway 101 for about 10kms.  This is where we met Heike & Soeren, a couple from Montreal via East Germany.  They were the first cycle tourists we met and there plans were to cycle down the coast to San Francisco.  Chances are we would see them again farther down the road.


We would see a lot of logging trucks in the days to come …

We turned onto highway 112 and rode it to Joyce.  It was sunny and still a bit of a breeze on the cuff from yesterday, which made for perfect cycling weather again.  We passed rivers that made us slow up, and beautiful old farms that were unique in a way that looked just right.  In Joyce we stopped at a cafe that was recommended to us from a family we met on the ferry the day before.  Classic Americana diner with round stools at the counter.  Blackberry was in season and they had everything … DEEP pies, cupcakes, strudels … the coffee was pretty good too!


What? It’s fuel!

From Joyce there was a connector road that climbed up to Cresent Lake and highway 101.  We probably climbed a little less than the Malahat, but it was a much more pleasant ride.  The road could best be described as a country lane that had some funky places and beautiful valley scenery.  Yeah, we climbed though.


The climb was worth the view of Cresent Lake.  Turquoise coloured water that went on for miles, and we got to cycle right beside it.  I drove past the lake last year and knew I had to come back on a bicycle.  You’ll see the pictures. The road had very little shoulder and was surprised at how courteous the drivers were.  At the beginning of the lakeside drive, there is a sign that lets cars know that cyclists are ahead.  We read the sign, pushed the button and off we went.


At the far end of the lake is Fairholme State Park, and is where we camp tonight.  Nice campground with a dock and swimming area (although there was “swimmer’s itch”), but it didn’t affect Tai, who was in there as fast as he could.  We rode 57kms today, so were off the road fairly early and allowed us some time to relax.  Tai took his mandolin down to the dock and played while I lazed on the dock and had a Mike’s Hard Lemonade.  Damn, those are tasty after a day of riding!  They make the pain go away.  Once the tent was up, journal writing and dinner were to follow.  It was a beautiful evening and the stars were out so we didn’t put on the tent fly and later found the night a bit chilly.  Great view, but my toes were cold.


Dad & I found the best hiway yet.  It was so beautiful. The waterfalls and lake were right there.  The shoulder was so small and big trucks were so close.  Right now the mosquitos are eating me up.  Dad and me were cold today.  We saw more trucks and cars on the other side of the road than our side.  The kind of truck we see most is the logging truck and its huge trailer.  I went swimming and the water was cold, but it felt nice.  I was in the water and Dad read the bored and he said get out the of the water ~ there is swimmers itch.  There was no shark either! (inside joke)

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3 Responses to Day 3 ~ Port Angeles, WA > Fairholme State Campground, WA

  1. Margot says:

    Another great read.

  2. Tanya Q says:

    Looks beautiful!! Now I want to go back and do WA from the other direction from Port Angeles 🙂

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